I'm gonna start the new school year in a few days and I need some tips on how to start it with a nice fresh start! I need tips like hair, how to organize myself, a nice clean look, and how to avoid those evil stupid ghetto clique groups that end up picking fights with me. I would like to know what is usually the best acne cleanser for morning night or whatever. I'm pretty concerned about my face cuz I'm part of morning announcements. Try not to mention anything about make up unless its lipgloss. I'm only going into 7th grade. Also my reputation is smart, quiet (at least to some boys/girls), kind and highly gifted in art. Thats the only thing popular about me. And thats what prob makes me an easy target for bullying (supposedly). I also have uniform at my school, but I can still were cool jackets and stuff. So plzzz help, I want to start off fresh this year. (Oh and it was my friend that turned evil and made the clique groups to bully me)
Tips on new school year..? (Looks, organization, etc)?
I'm sorry!
I like Biore pore strips... they work like a charm! You can't use them each morning, though; I just like to use a gentle soap (if you know where to get any oatmeal soap it's great stuff, but any oil-free works) and then a toner (Clean%26amp;Clear works great!)
Yay! A seventh grader who isn't growing up so fast! As for lipgloss, go with something not very shiny and close to your natural lip tone. ANd, since you are part of announcements, maybe a foundation powder --not blush, but a light powder to brush over your face-- in your skin tone would be nice. Brush it lightly over your entire face.
Organization: shop around for a shelf for the bottom of your locker, and an in-locker organizer that you think would work best.
As for dealing with the ex-friend, find some new friends; or even if not a friend, just a nice person or two to walk to your next class with.
It's great you have such a wonderful reputation! If you need help with something and there is someone you know that is good with the thing you need help on, just ask 'em for help and start talking with them. If someone makes an art project you like, compliment them. This will go over really well since you are so good at art.
Are there any clubs you could get into? Art club, anything? If so, see if you can join and make friends there.
Cute jackets, huh? I would suggest just a denim jhacket and (if you're allowed) a couple of really cute pins (like a flower one day; a sparkly alligator the next) on the collar!
Also, follow your gut...
God bless and Good luck!
Tips on new school year..? (Looks, organization, etc)?
Don't you have friends for this?
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