Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

moisturize your scalp with olive oil--don't rub hard though. This will also protect the scalp if the relaxer touches it.

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

pat your head hard where it friend whose african american and she gets perms all the time calls it the "black girl pat" she says it helps with the itching

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

Wear mitten when you you won't unconsciously scratch your head....

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

heheh smacking your head helps ;-)

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

Dont you mean your scalp? I suggest if u have dandruff to get some shampoo.

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

just pat your hair. pat, pat, pat away

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

Wash your hair and take a shower daily in order for it to go away and use dandraph shampoo.

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

buy a cream or go doctors

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

Just, think about something else, get your mind off it till your perms done.

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

See your doctor because you might have exczema on your head...if so, he will give you antibiotic shampoo and the problem should clear up...x o x o

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

It's not your hair, it's your sca;p. You prbably have dandruf or maybe even lice. Get your scalp checed ou tby a family mamber to see if you have lice. If not, go to the local drug store and get some really strong dandruff shampoo. Head and Shoulders works

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

just like u would pat a weave or a braided hair pat your with your palm it works

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

take a stuffed animal and scratch that

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

not to sound rude but have u checked for lice? or maybe if u havent washed out ur shampoo properly it can cause irritation so u scratch

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

I know this is going to sound bad but you should but oil sheen on it. But the problem is that it might get two oily. But it keeps your hair, healthy and shiny

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

Just use anti dandruff shampoo and sensitive scalp one too.

dont think about it or it will itch

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

pat your head. works every time!

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

Grease your scalp where it itches...It works for me all the time!!!!

My hair itches really bad but i'm gettin a perm and can't scratch. any tips?

i dont get it

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